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C.H. Beck: Dietl/Lorenz Englisch-Deutsch

Abkürzungen - R-S -

Abkürzung Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff
R & D research and development
R & D Research and Development
R & TD research and technological development
R & VR Rating and Valuation Reports
R. Queen (Regina); Registered; King (Rex); Royal; Rupee(s)
r.&c.c. riots and civil commotions
r.c.c.&s. riots, civil commotions and strike
R/D refer to drawer
RA resident alien; Regular Army; Royal Academician; Royal Academy
RAA Royal Academy of Arts
RAC Royal Automobile Club
RACA Royal Automobile Club of Australia
RADAR radio detection and ranging
RADWAR radiological warfare
RAF(VR) Royal Air Force (Volunteer Reserve)
RAS Royal Aeronautical Society; Royal Agricultural Society
RBN Registry of Business Names
RC Red Cross; Roman Catholic; Royal College; Royal Commission
RCA Radio Corporation of America; Royal College of Art
RCL Ruling Case Law
RCS Royal College of Science
Rd road
RDC Research and Documentation Centre; running down clause
re in the matter of
recd received
ref. refer; reference; referred; refused
Reg. Queen (Regina); Register; Registrar; Registry; Regulation
Reg. T.M. registered trade mark
reg. tn register ton
Reg.-Gen. Registrar-General
regd registered
REIF revolving Euronote issuance facility
REIT real estate investment trust
rel. relating; relative(ly); religion
rep. report(s); reporter
Rep. Pat. Cas. Reports of Patent Cases
Rep.Att.Gen. Reports of the Attorney General
repo repurchase agreement
Repub. Republic(an)
Resp. respondent
resp. respective(ly)
Rev. Reverend
Rev.Ed. Revised Edition
Rev.Rul. Revenue Ruling
Rev.St(at). Revised Statutes
RGBl Reichsgesetzblatt
rgd registered
RH Royal Highness
RI Rhode Island (Staat der USA); Reinsurance; Rotary International; Royal Institute
RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
RIE Recognized Investment Exchange
RIIA Reports of International Arbitral Awards; Royal Institute of International Affairs
RLO Returned Letter Office
RM Royal Mail; Royal Marines
RMBCA Revised Model Business Corporation Act
RMS Royal Mail Steamer; Royal Medical Society
RN registered nurse; Royal Navy
ROCE return on capital employed
ROI, RoI return(s) on investment
RoR Rule of Reason; rate of return
Ro-Ro roll on - roll of
Rospa Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
ROTC Reserve Officers' Training Corps
RP repurchase agreement; Regius Professor; reply paid (telegram)
RPC Reports of Patent (Design, Trademark, and other) Cases; Restrictive Practices Court
RPD Doctor of Political Science (Rerum Politicarum Doctor)
RPI Retail Price Index
RPM resale price maintencance
RR Revised Reports; Right Reverend
RRC Reports of Rating Cases; (Lady of the) Royal Red Cross
RS Revised Statutes; Royal Society
Rs rupees
RSA Royal Scottish Academy; Royal Society of Arts
RSC Rules of the Supreme Court (Revision) 1965; Revised Statutes of Canada
RSG Rate Support Grant (to local authorities)
RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
RSS Fellow of the Royal Society (Regiae Societatis Socius)
RSVP please reply (répondez s'il vous plaît)
RT radio telegraphy; radio telephony
Rt Hon. Right Honourable
Rt Rev. Right Reverend
RTA Road Traffic Act
RTAA Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
RTPA Restrictive Trade Practices Act
RTRA Radio and Television Retailers' Association
RTT radio teletyper
RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary
RUF revolving underwriting facility
RV rat(e)able value
RVO Royal Victorian Order
S Seller; Senate (bill); South(ern); Southern Reporter
S & L savings and loan association
s. section; see; shilling(s)
s. see
s. th., sth. something
S.&F.A. Shipping and Forwarding Agents
s.&h.c. sundays and holidays excepted
S.Am. South-America(n)
S.Con.Res. Senate concurrent resolution
s.d. several dates; sight draft; without day (sine die)
S.Dak. South Dakota (Staat der USA)
s.g.d.g. without government guarantee (sans garantie du gouvernement)
s.l.p. without lawful issue (sine legitima prole)
s.m.p. without male issue (sine mascula prole)
s.p. without issue (sine prole)
S.Res. Senate Resolution
S/D sea-damaged
S/LC sue and labour clause
s/s, s.s. steamship
SA Salvation Army; Securities Act; semi-annual; South Africa; South America; South Australia; Statutes Annotated; société anonyme (French, Belgian, Luxembourg or Swiss public company)
SABC South African Broadcasting Corporation
SAC Scottish Automobile Club
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SACLANT Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
SAD Single Administrative Document
SAE, s.a.e. stamped addressed envelope
SAF structural adjustment facility
SALJ South African Law Journal
SALR South African Law Reports
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Salv. Salvador
Sam(s) surface-to-air missile(s)
SAPA South African Press Association
SARs stock appreciation rights
SAS Scandinavian Airlines System
SASR South Australian State Reports; Special Air Service Regiment
SAYE save as you earn
SB Supplementary Benefit; sales book
sb. somebody
SB.Comm. Bachelor of Science in Commerce
SBA Small Business Administration
SBIA Small Business Investment Act
SBIC Small Business Investment Companies
SC Salvage Charges; same case; Session Cases; South Carolina (Staat der USA); Supreme Court; Supreme Court Reporter
SC Security Council (UN)
SC(HL) Session Cases (House of Lords)
SC(J) Session Cases (High Court of Judiciary)
sc. namely (scilicet)
Sc.&T. Science and Technology
Sc.D. Doctor of Science (scientiae doctor)
SCAN Stock Market Computer Answering Network
SCAPA Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising
sched. schedule
sci.fa. please make known (scire facias)
scil. namely (scilicet)
SCJ Supreme Court of Judicature
SCLQ South Carolina Law Quarterly
Scot Scottish
Scot. Scotland; Scotsman; Scottish
Scot.L.R. Scottish Law Reports
Scot.L.Rev. Scottish Law Review
SCt. Supreme Court Reporter
SD South Dakota (Staat der USA); State Department
SDI Strategic Defense Iniative; State Disability Insurance
SDNY Southern District New York
SDP Social Democratic Party
SDR Special Drawing Right
SE South-Eastern; South Eastern Reporter; stock exchange
SE.2d South Eastern Reporter, Second Series
SEA Securities Exchange Act
SEAO save error and omission
SEAQ Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System
SEATO South East Asia Treaty Organization
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
sec., secs. section, sections
Sec.C., Off.Rec. Security Council, Official Records
SeeversR Seeversicherungsrecht
SEMBs Stock Exchange Money Brokers
Sen. Senate; Senator; Senior
Senr. Senior
seq. the following (sequens)
seqq. the following (sequentes, sequentia)
SERPS State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme
Sess. cas. Session cases
SFAS statement of financial accounting standards
SFES small firms employment subsidies
SFR Swiss franc
SG for the sake of safety (salutis gratia); Solicitor-General
SGA Sale of Goods Act
sgd signed
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe
shex sundays and holidays excepted
shipt shipment
SI Statutory Instrument
SIA Securities Industry Association
SIB Securities and Investments Board
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SIF stock-index futures
sig.miss. signature missing
SIPC Securities Investor Protection Corporation
SIT State Income Tax
SITA Students' International Travel Association
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SJ Solicitors' Journal
SJ.Res. Senate joint resolution
SJD Doctor of Juridical Science (Scientiae Juridicae Doctor)
sl. slang
SL.Rev. Scottish Law Review
SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile
SLCM sea-launched cruise missile
SLG Scottish Law Gazette
SLR Scottish Land Reports
SLT Scots Law Times
SLT (Land Ct.) Scots Law Times Land Court Report
SLT (Notes) Scots Law Times Notes of Recent Decisions
SM Master of Science (Scientiae Magister); Stipendiary Magistrate
SMEs small and medium-sized enterprises
SN, S/N shipping note
SNG synthetic natural gas
SNP Scottish National Party
So. Calif.L.Rev. Southern California Law Review
Soc., soc. society
SOFFEX Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange
Sol. Solicitor
Sol.-Gen. Solicitor-General
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
SP Shore Patrol; (bills of exchange) supra protest
SPADATS Space Detection and Tracking System
SPCA Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
sq(q) the following (sequentes, sequentia)
sq. square
sq.ft. square foot (feet) square inch(es)
sq.m. square mile(s)
SR (N.S.W.) State Reports, New South Wales
SR.&O. Statutory Rules and Orders
SRBM Short Range Ballistic Missile
SRCC strike, riots, and civil commotions
SRINF shorter range INF
SRO Self-Regulating Organization
SRS Fellow of the Royal Society (Societatis Regiae Socius)
SS Social Security; Standard Size; steamship
ss. sections; signum sigilli; steamship
SSA Social Security Administration; Social Security Act
SSAP Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
SSC Solicitor to the Supreme Court
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSM Surface to Surface Missile
SSS Selective Service System
ST Standard Time; Summer Time
St. Ex., St. Exch. Stock Exchange
Stabex System for the stabilization of ACP and OCT export earnings
Stan.L.Rev. Stanford Law Review
STANY Securities Traders Association of New York
STAR Satellites for Telecommunications
START Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Stat. Statute(s); Statute(s) at Large
Stat.Hall. Stationers' Hall
SteuerR Steuerrecht
stg. sterling
StGB Strafgesetzbuch
StIA State Immunity Act
STOL short take-off and landing (aircraft)
StPO Strafprozeßordnung
Str. street
StrafR Strafrecht
STUC Scottish Trades Union Congress
SUB supplementary unemployment benefits
Suff. Suffolk
SUI State Unemployment Insurance
SUNFED Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
sup. above (supra)
Sup. Ct. Supreme Court; Supreme Court Reporter
Super Ct. Superior Court
supp., suppl. supplement(ary)
supr. supreme
Supt Superintendent
Sur. Surrey
Surr. Ct. Surrogate's Court
Suss. Sussex
SW South Wales; South West(ern); South Western Reporter
SW2d South Western Reporter, 2d series
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWLJ South Western Law Journal
Sx. Sussex

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