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C.H. Beck: Dietl/Lorenz Englisch-Deutsch

Abkürzungen - V-W-X-Y-Z -

Abkürzung Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff
v Verb
v. against (versus); see (vide)
v.s. see above (vide supra)
v.v. conversely (vice versa)
V/A voucher attached
Va. Virginia (Staat der USA)
Va.L.Rev. Virginia Law Review
VAT value added tax
VC Vice-Chairman; Vice-Chancellor; Vice-Consul; Victoria Cross
VD Venereal Disease
VDU visual display unit
VE day Victory in Europe Day (8. 5. 1945)
VER voluntary export restraint
VersR Versicherungsrecht
Vet. Admin. Veterans' Administration
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars
vgl. vergleiche
VI Virgin Islands
vid. see (vide)
VIP Very Important Person
Vis(c). Viscount
viz. namely (videlicet)
VJday Victory in Japan day (Br 15. 8. 1945; Am 2. 9. 1945)
VOA Voice of America
vol. volume
VölkerR Völkerrecht
vols volumes
VP Vice-President
VRA voluntary restraint agreement
VS Veterinary Surgeon
vs. against (versus)
VSO Voluntary Service Overseas
Vt. Vermont (Staat der USA)
VTC voting trust certificate
VTOL vertical take-off and landing (aircraft)
w.a., WA with average
w.b.s. without benefit of salvage
w.e.f. with effect from
w.g. weight guaranteed
w.i. when issued (stocks)
w.p., w/p. without prejudice
w.p.m. words per minute
W.S. writer to the signet
W.Va. West Virginia (Staat der USA)
W/R warehouse receipt
W/W warehouse warrant
WA West Africa; Western Australia; Wills Act
WALR Western Australian Law Reports
WAPOR World Association for Public Opinion Research
War(w). Warwickshire
Wash. Washington (Staat der USA)
Wash. L. Rep. Washington Law Reporter
Wash. L. Rev. Washington Law Review
Wash.ULQ Washington University Law Quarterly
WATA World Association of Travel Agencies
WB, W/B waybill
WC & Ins.Rep. Workmen's Compensation and Insurance Reports
WCA Workmen's Compensation Act
WCC World Council of Churches
WCOTP World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession
WD War Department; Works Department; Western District
WDV written-down value
WechselR Wechselrecht
Weekly L. Bull. Weekly Law Bulletin
West. Weekly R. Western Weekly Reports (Canada)
WET Western European Time
WEU Western European Union
WFP World Food Program
WFPA World Federation for the Protection of Animals
WFSW World Federation of Scientific Workers (ehem.)
WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions
WHO World Health Organization
WI. West Indies; Women's Institute
wing warrants into negotiable Government securities
WIP work in process
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
Wis(c). Wisconsin (Staat der USA)
Wis.L.Rev. Wisconsin Law Review
WJC World Jewish Congress
WLR Weekly Law Reports (seit 1953)
WMA World Medical Association
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WN (NSW) Weekly Notes, New South Wales
Women Law J. Women Lawyers Journal
Worc. Worcestershire
WP, w.p. weather permitting
WPA, w.p.a. with particular average
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WR Weekly Reporter
WRI War Resisters' International
WT, W/T wireless telegraphy; wireless telephony
WTO World Trade Organization; World Tourism Organization
ww with warrants
WWD weather working day(s)
WWF World Wildlife Fund
WWR Western Weekly Reports
www world wide web
Wy(o). Wyoming (Staat der USA)
Wyo.LJ Wyoming Law Journal
x ex(cluding) dividend
x.i., not including right to next interest (ex interest)
x.mill ex mill
x.n. not including right to new shares (ex new [shares])
x.roads cross roads
x.rts. without rights ('right 2.)
x.ship ex ship
x.whse ex warehouse
x.wks ex works
xd., xdiv. not including right to dividend (ex dividend)
xw without warrants
Y yen
Y/A York-Antwerp (Rules)
Yale L.J. Yale Law Journal
YAR York-Antwerp Rules
YB Year Book
YBHR Yearbook of Human Rights
YBILC Yearbook of the International Law Commission
YCW (International) Young Christian Workers
yd.(s.) yard(s)
YHA Youth Hostels' Association
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
Yorks. Yorkshire
YTS Youth Training Scheme
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association
z. B. zum Beispiel
ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union
ZAPO Zimbabwe African People's Union
ZBB zero base budgeting
ZIP Zoning Improvement Plan
ZPG zero population growth

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