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Kucera: Dictionary of Chemistry




Layout of the dictionary


Antonin Kucera
Dictionary of Engineering Chemistry
Wörterbuch der Chemie

English-German, 1. Ausgabe, 1997

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Copyright Daten: Oscar Brandstetter Verlag GmbH & Co. KG  Postfach 1708, D-65007 Wiesbaden



Alle Abkürzungen in der Übersicht, die im Kucera Englisch-Deutsch verwendet werden.

Abbreviation English Term German Term
A Austria Österreich
adj Adjective Adjektiv
adv Adverb Adverb
Agric Agriculture Landwirtschaft
Astron Astronomy Astronomie
attr Attributive attributiver Gebrauch
Automation Automation Regeln und Steuern
Autos Automobiles Kraftfahrzeugtechnik
Bacteriol Bacteriology Bakteriologie
Biochem Biochemistry Biochemie
Biol Biology Biologie
Bot Botany Botanik
Brew Brewing Brauerei
Build Building Wohnungsbau
Ceramics Ceramics Keramik
Chem Eng Chemical Engineering chemische Verfahrenstechnik
Civ Eng Civil Engineering Hoch- und Tiefbau
Crystal Crystallography Kristallografie
Cyt Cytology Zytologie
d.h. That is, i.e. das heisst
Ecol Ecology Umweltschutz
Elec Electricity Elektrizitätslehre
Elec Eng Electrical Engineering Elektrotechnik
Electronics Electronics Elektronik
Electropl Electroplating Galvanotechnik
Eng Engineering Maschinenbau, allgemeine Technik
f Feminine noun Femininum
For Forestry Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
Foundry Foundry Practice Gießerei
Fuels Fuels Kraftstoffe
GB British usage britisches Englisch
Gen Genetics Genetik
Geol Geology Geologie
Glass Glass Glasindustrie
i.e. That is das heisst, d.h.
Instr Instruments Geräte
Leather Leather Leder verarbeitende Industrie
Light Light Lichttechnik
m Masculine noun Maskulinum
Mag Magnetism Magnetismus
Maths Mathematics Mathematik
Mech Mechanics Mechanik
Med Medicine Medizin
Met Metallurgy Hüttenwesen
Micros Microscopy Mikroskopie
Mil Military Technology Wehrtechnik
Min Mineralogy Mineralogie
Min Proc Mineral Processing Aufbereitung
Mining Mining Bergbau
n (German:) Neuter noun(English:) Noun (Deutsch:) Neutrum(Englisch:) Substantiv
Nuc Nucleonics Kernphysik
Nuc Eng Nuclear Engineering Kerntechnik
Nut Nutrition Lebensmittelindustrie
Ocean Oceanography Ozeanografie
Oils Oils Erdölindustrie
Optics Optics Optik
Paint Painting Anstrichtechnik
Paper Papermaking Papierindustrie
Pharm Pharmacology Pharmakologie
Photog Photography Fotografie
Phys Physics Physik
Physiol Physiology Physiologie
pl Plural Plural
Plastics Plastics Kunststoffe
plt Plural word Pluraletantum
Radiol Radiology radiologische Technik
S Switzerland Schweiz
s. See Siehe
San Eng Sanitary Engineering Sanitärtechnik
Space Space Raumfahrt
Spectr Spectroscopy Spektroskopie
Stats Statistics Statistik
Textiles Textiles Textilindustrie
US American Usage amerikanisches Englisch
v Verb Verb
Vac Tech Vacuum Technology Vakuumphysik und -technik
vi Intransitive verb intransitives Verb
vt Transitive verb transitives Verb
Welding Welding Schweißtechnik
Zool Zoology Zoologie



More than 30 years ago, the outstanding pioneer in the field of specialized lexicography, Dr.-Ing. Richard Ernst (1900-1992), and his wife compiled an English-German and German-English chemical dictionary in two volumes published by O. Brandstetter Verlag. Both volumes have been out of print for a long time now.
In the meantime, chemical nomenclature has been revised, chemical research has moved on, the demands on the presentation of lexicographical data have increased (consistency, systematic coverage), and market conditions have also changed. When the Brandstetter publishing house approached the author more than three years ago about a single-volume German and English dictionary of chemistry with a maximum of 30000 entries in each language, the scope was defined within which the changes and developments mentioned above had to be accommodated.

The spelling of chemical terminology is laid down by international bodies, and German spelling now follows Anglo-American usage as far as possible, resulting for example in official German terms that are simple back-formations from the original root-word: Bismut <- Wismut <- Wesemut (date of the earliest recorded use in German: 1309). This unconventional approach has led to different spellings of the same word in German, depending on the subject: "zyklische Symmetrie" in power engineering according to DIN 13321 and "cyclische Verbindungen" in chemistry.
The second problem in this respect that commanded the author's attention, was the controversial German spelling reform now officially adopted by the German-speaking countries. The new rules set forth in the 21st edition of the DUDEN spelling dictionary are, however, of little assistance to lexicographers dealing with scientific and technical German, since they are not detailed enough to serve their needs. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that specialized literature based on the new rules is not yet available. Therefore, the spelling of a number of entries had to be determined by analogy. I let the user decide if the choice made has always been correct.

Had I not been able to benefit from my 46 years of experience in specialized lexicography and translation, I would have been unable to compile this dictionary. Currently, I am working on a large German-English technical and scientific dictionary with approximately 210000 entries scheduled for publication by Brandstetter in the near future. There is a certain relationship between the two dictionaries.
Mr. K.-H. Trojanus, Saarbrücken, read the proofs with painstaking accuracy and put his finger on every error or shortcoming that he found. Also, he carefully checked and amended the English and (new) German spelling.
Cooperation with Mr. U. Amm, reader at Brandstetter publishers, has been invaluable to me, for when I sit down in front of my computer, time begins to fly by, and before long I wonder what I have achieved. Mr. Amm has been so kind as to let me draw on his extensive computer knowledge for the benefit of this dictionary.

I have received valuable contributions for the English part from Mr. J.V. Drazil, a compatriot of mine, who now lives in Little Chalfont, U.K.
My profound gratitude is due to these three experts.
Some information has been provided by Professor A. Clas, Montreal, who will prepare the French version.
As I said at the beginning, I have been compiling specialized dictionaries for translators for 46 years now. Thinking along lexicographical lines has eventually put me in a singular frame of mind to the detriment of my wife, who has become a "dictionary widow", and my 12-year-old son Marc-Anton, a "dictionary orphan" by now. I should therefore like to take this opportunity to thank them for the support they have given me nevertheless.

D-65232 Taunusstein

July 1997 A. Kucera


Layout of the Dictionary

The presentation of lexicographical data follows the principles adopted for my Compact dictionaries. Preference is given to standard British spelling. Part-of-speech labels are provided for both the German and English entries, as are irregular inflections where applicable. Additionally, the grammatical gender of the German nouns is shown.
For pragmatic reasons, a number of German compound entries in the German-English part that begin with an adjective, have been entered both under the first and second elements (exceptionally also under the third element). Thus, kaustische Soda appears both under K and S. I made this decision subjectively whenever I thought, as a result of personal experience, that the user might look for a term under both elements. When in doubt, I chose a restrictive approach to limit the size of the dictionary.

The E numbers refer to food additives in accordance with the Directive concerning the Use of Additives.
The attentive user will soon notice that the German terminology in this dictionary of chemistry has been influenced by the 9th edition of Römpp's Chemie Lexikon (Georg Thieme Verlag, 1989-1992 - see my review of this fundamental reference book in Lexicographica 6/1990) and by the 24-volume Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (1986-1994 - see my detailed review of this monumental encyclopaedia in Lexicographica 10/1994). I was, however, unable to take the 10th edition of Römpp (2 volumes so far) into consideration. Finally, I should like to draw the user's attention to the following works of reference:

Hesse-Meier-Zeeh: Spektroskopische Methoden in der organischen Chemie, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag 1995
Untersuchungsmethoden in der Chemie, Einführung in die moderne Analytik, herausgegeben von H. Naumer und W. Heller, mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. R.L. Mößbauer, 3., erweiterte und neubearbeitete Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag 1997.

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