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C.H. Beck: Dietl/Lorenz Englisch-Deutsch

Abkürzungen - F-G -

Abkürzung Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff
F&D, f. & d. freight and demurrage
F. Fahrenheit; Federal Court Reporter; Fellow; franc(s); Fraser's Scottish Reports
f. feet; folio; foot; franc(s)
F. 2d Federal Reporter, 2nd Series
f.a. free alongside
f.a.a. free from all average
f.a.c. fast as can
f.b. freight bill
f.d. free discharge; free dispatch; free delivery; free docks
f.i.a. full interest admitted
f.i.a.s. free in and stowed
f.i.c., fic freight, insurance, carriage
f.o. firm offer; free out; full out terms (grain trade)
f.o.c. free on car; free of charge
f.o.d. free of damage
f.o.p. free on plane
f.o.r.&c.c. free of riots and civil commotions
F.O.W. first open water; free on wag(g)on
f.o.w. first open water; free on wag(g)on
F.P. fire policy; floating policy; foreign policy; French Patent
f.p. fire policy; floating policy; foreign policy; fully paid (premium)
f.pd. fully paid
f.r.&c.c. free of riots and civil commotions
F.Supp. Federal Supplement
f.y. fiscal year
f.y.i. for your information
F/S financial statement
FA Finance Act
FAAAS Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science
FAC Federal Advisory Council
fac. facsimile
FACCA Fellow of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants
facs. facilities; facsimile
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)
faq, f.a.q. fair average quality; free at quay
faqs fair average quality of season
FARA Foreign Agents' Registration Act
fas free alongside ship
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
FAST Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology
FBA Federal Bar Association; Fellow of the British Academy
FBAA Fellow of the British Association of Accountants and Auditors
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBLA Federal Bills of Lading Act
FBM Fleet Ballistic Missiles
FC Finance Company; Free Church (of Scotland); Free Carrier
FC(&)S., f.c.s. free of capture and seizure
FCA Farm Credit Administration; Federal Code Annotated; Fellow of the (Institute of) Chartered Accountants (Chartered Accountant)
FCAC Federal Council of American Churches
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCDA Federal Civil Defense Administration
FCI Factors Chain International; Fellow of the Institute of Commerce
FCIA Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Agents; Foreign Credit Insurance Association
FCIB Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Brokers; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers
FCIC Foreign Credit Insurance Corporation; Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
FCII Fellow, Chartered Insurance Institute
FCIS Fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators
FCN Treaty Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation
FCPA Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
FCR forwarding agent's certificate of receipt
fcsad free of capture, seizure, arrest and detainment
FCSR & CC free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions
fcsrcc free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions
FDA Food and Drugs Administration
FDCA Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEA Federal Energy Administration
fec. he (she) made it (fecit)
Fed. Federal; Federal Reporter
fed. federal
Fed. 2d Federal Reporter, 2nd Series
Fed. Aud. Federal Auditor
Fed. Cas. Federal Cases
Fed.Bar.J. Federal Bar Association Journal
Fed.R.Civ.P. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Fed.Reg. Federal Register
Fed.Supp. Federal Supplement
FEPC Fair Employment Practices Committee
FERA Federal Emergency Relief Administration
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ff. folios; following pages
FFMC Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
FG Federal Government
FGA Foreign General Agent
FGA, f.g.a. foreign general average; free from general average
FHA Federal Housing Administration
FHLB Federal Home Loan Banks
fi.fa. you may cause it to be done (fieri facias)
FIA Factory Insurance Association; Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries
FIBOR Frankfurt Interbank Offered Rate
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act; Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
FICB Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
FICS Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
fifo first-in-first-out
fig figuratively
FII franked investment income
FIJ Fellow of the Institute of Journalists
fin financial
FIO, fio free in and out
FIRPTA Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980
FIS freight, insurance and shipping charges
FIT Federal Income Tax; Fr Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs; Fixed Investment Trust
FITA Foreign Investors Tax Act
fl. florin(s)
FLA Family Law Act (1996)
Fla. Florida (Staat der USA)
FLB Federal Land Bank
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FMS Fellow of the Medical Society
FMV fair market value
FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association
FO Federal Official; Foreign Office
Fo., fo. folio
FOA Faculty of Advocates; Foreign Operations Administration
FOB free on board
FOBS Fractional Orbital Bombing System
FOC flags of convenience
fol. folio
FOMC Federal Open Market Committee
FOP free on plane
foq free on quay
Foratom European Atomic Forum
FOT, fot free of tax
FPA Family Planning Association; Federal Power Act; Foreign Press Association; free from particular average (auch f.p.a.)
FPAD freight payable at destination
FPC Federal Power Commission
fpil full premium if (vessel) lost
FPO Federal Post Office
FR Federal Register; Federal Reporter
Fr French
FR Bk Federal Reserve Bank
FR Dist Federal Reserve District
fr. franc(s)
Fr.P. French Patent
FRA forward rate agreement; futures rate agreement
frat. fraternity
FRB Federal Reserve Bank (Board)
FRC free carrier
FRCP Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
FRD Federal Rules Decisions
FREc.S. Fellow of the Royal Economic Society
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FRN floating rate note
FRS Federal Reserve System; Fellow of the Royal Society
frt freight
frt fwd freight forward
frt pd freight paid
frt ppd freight prepaid
FSA Federal Securities Act; Federal Security Agency; Financial Services Act 1986
FSAA Fellow of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors (Incorporated Accountant)
FSIA Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
FSLA Federal Savings and Loan Association
FSLIC Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
ft feet; foot
FT Financial Times (newspaper)
ft2 square foot
FTAs Free Trade Agreements
FTC Federal Trade Commission
FTCA Federal Trade Commission Act
FUA Farm Underwriters Association
FUIA Federal Unemployment Insurance Act
FWA Federal Works Agency; Factories and Workshops Act
fwd forward; fresh water damage
FWSAB Federation of Women Shareholders in American Business
FWT flexible working time
FX, f.x. foreign exchange
fy pd fully paid
G  5 ' Group of Five
G  7 ' Group of Seven
G 10 ' Group of Ten
g. gauge; gram(me)(s); guinea
g.b.o. goods in bad order
g.d. good delivery
g.f.a. good fair average, g.gross great gross (144 dozen)
g.m.q. good merchantable quality
g.o.b. good ordinary brand
g.t. gross terms
g.t.m. good this month
g.t.w. good this week
GA General Agent; General Assembly
GA, g.a., G/A general average
Ga. Georgia (Staat der USA)
GA/con. general average contribution
GA/dep. general average deposit
GAA general average agreement
GAAP generally accepted accounting principles
GAAS generally accepted auditing standards
GAB General Arrangements to Borrow
gall. gallon(s)
GAO General Accounting Office
GAOR Official Records of the General Assembly (of the United Nations)
GAQ general average quality
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAW guaranteed annual wage
gaz. gazette(d); gazetter
GB Great Britain
GB&I. Great Britain and Ireland
GBE Knight (or Dame) Grand Cross (of the Order) of the British Empire
GCBS General Council of British Shipping
GCE General Certificate of Education
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters
GCM General Court-Martial
GCR general cargo rates
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GDP Gross Domestic Product
gegr. gegründet
GEMM gilt-edged market maker
Gen. Ass. General Assembly, Official Records
Gen.Aud. General Auditor
gen.av. general average
Gen.Man. General Manager
Ger German
Ger.Pat. German Patent
GesR Gesellschaftsrecht
Ggs. Gegensatz
GI Government Issue
Gib. Gibraltar
Glos. Gloucestershire
gloss. glossary
GM General Manager; General Motors; guided missile
GMB, g.m.b. good merchantable brand
GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
GMC General Medical Council
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GN Government Notices
GNP Gross National Product
gns guineas
Goffex German Options and Financial Futures Exchange
GOP Grand Old Party (Republican Party USA)
Gov. Government; Governor
Gov.Gen. Governor-General
Gov.Pr.Off. Government Printing Office
Govt Government
GP Gallup poll; General Practitioner; German Patent; Grand Prix
GPO Government Printing Office
GPP general purchasing power accounting
GR King George (Georgius Rex)
gr. gross; grain
gr.wt gross weight
GRT, g.r.t. gross register ton(s)
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
Gt.Br. Great Britain
GTC, g.t.c. good till cancel(l)ed (or countermanded)
guar. guarantee(d)
GUN grantor underwritten note
GV gross value; Fast Train (Fr grande vitesse)

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