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C.H. Beck: Dietl/Lorenz Englisch-Deutsch

Abkürzungen - H-I-J -

Abkürzung Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff
H & M hull and machinery
h. hour(s);
h. & c. hot and cold (water)
h. c. l. high cost of living
H. of R. House of Representatives
h.a. in this year (hoc anno)
h.c. held covered; home consumption; honoris causa
H.Com. High Commissioner
H.Con.Res. House Concurrent Resolution
H.J.Res. House joint resolution
h.p. half-pay; horse-power
h.v. under this word (hoc verbo)
H/H Havre/Hamburg range
ha hectare(s)
HA. or D. Havre, Antwerp or Dunkerque (Dunkirk)
hab. corp. habeas corpus
Hals. Stat. Halsbury's Statutes of England
Harv. Int. L. J. Harvard International Law Journal
Harv. L. Rev. Harvard Law Review
HB House Bill
HBM Her (His) Britannic Majesty
H-bomb hydrogen bomb
HC High Court; House of Commons
HC(J) High Court (of Justice)
HCB House of Commons Bill
HCR (UN-)High Commissioner for Refugees
HE His Eminence; His Excellency
Heref. Herefordshire
Herts. Hertfordshire
hf half
hgt height
HGV heavy goods vehicle
HH Her (His) Highness; His Holiness (the Pope)
hifo highest-in-first-out
HIH Her (His) Imperial Highness
HIM Her (His) Imperial Majesty
hist historical
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HK House of Keys
HL House of Lords; House of Lords Appeals
hl hectolitre(s)
HL.Rep. House of Lords Reports
HLB Home Loan Bank
HLBB Home Loan Bank Board
HLCas. House of Lords Cases
HLR Harvard Law Review
HM headmaster; Her (His) Majesty; Home Mission
HMC Her (His) Majesty's Customs
HMF Her (His) Majesty's Forces
HMG Her (His) Majesty's Government
HMI Her Majesty's Inspector (of Schools)
HMO health maintenance organization
HMS Her (His) Majesty's Service; Her (His) Majesty's Ship (or Steamer)
HMSO Her (His) Majesty's Stationery Office
HMT Her (His) Majesty's Transport
HNC Higher National Certificate
HND Higher National Diploma
HO Head Office; Home Office
HOLC Home Owners' Loan Corporation
Hon. Honorary; Hono(u)rable
hon.sec. honorary secretary
HP hire purchase
HQ, Hq. Headquarters
HR Home Rule; House of Representatives
hr(s) hour(s)
HRH Her (His) Royal Highness
HS Harmonized System
HSE here is buried (hic sepultus est)
HST highest spring tide
HT hired transport; under this title (hoc titulo)
ht height
Hunts. Huntingdonshire
HW, h.w. high water
HWM high water mark
HWMC House Ways and Means Committee
I Idaho (Staat der USA)
I&P indexed and paged (of account books)
I. & S. Iron and Steel
i. a. inter alia
i.a.w. in accordance with
i.e. that is to say (id est)
I.o.M. Isle of Man
i.o.p. irrespective of percentage
I.o.W. Isle of Wight
i.o.w. in other words
i.p.a. including particular average
i.q. the same as (idem quod)
i.t. in transit (in transitu)
i.v. increased value; invoice value
i/c, i./c. in charge (of)
I/F insufficient funds
I/I indorsement irregular
IA first quality; Incorporated Accountant; Industrial Assurance; Interpretation Act
Ia. Iowa (Staat der USA)
IAA Incorporated Accountants and Auditors; Insurance Accountants Association; International Advertising Association
IABA Inter-American Bar Association; International Aircraft Brokers Association
IAC Inter-American Conference
IACSU International Association of Casualty and Surety Underwriters
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAES International Association of Exchange Students
IAF International Aeronautical Federation; International Automobile Federation
IANEC Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission
IAPIP International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property
IASC International Accounting Standards Committee
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAU International Association of Universities
IAUPL International Association of University Professors and Lecturers
IAVG International Association for Vocational Guidance
IAW International Alliance of Women
IB Invoice Book
ib., ibid. in the same place (ibidem)
IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority; International Bar Association
IBAA Investment Bankers Association of America
IBF International Banking Facility
IBI International Broadcast Institute
IBM International Business Machines; Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IBSFC International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission
IC & C invoice, cost and charges
ICA International Commodity Agreement or Arrangement; International Cooperative Alliance; Interstate Commerce Act; Investment CompanyAct
ICAEW Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICB International Commodity Body
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICC International Chamber of Commerce; Interstate Commerce Commission; Institute Cargo Clauses
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
ICEF (UN)International Children's Emergency Fund
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICIE International Council of Industrial Editors
ICJ International Court of Justice
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly
ICM Intergovernmental Committee for Migration
ICNAF International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
ICO International Coffee Organization; International Commodity Organization
ICPO International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRF International Cancer Research Foundation
ICS Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers; International Chamber of Shipping
ICSID International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
ICSM International Committee of Scientific Management
ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions
ICTUS Counselor at Law (iurisconsultus)
ICU International Code Use
ICW International Council of Women
ID Intelligence Department
Id. Idaho (Staat der USA)
id. the same (idem)
IDA International Development Association
IDB Inter-American Development Bank; International Development Association (of the United Nations); illicit diamond buying
IDD international direct dial(l)ing
IEA International Energy Agency (OECD)
IEFC Insurance Export Finance Company
IET Interest Equalization Tax
IFA International Fiscal Association
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFR illness frequency rate; instrument flight rules
IFT International Federation of Translators
IFUW International Federation of University Women
IFWL International Federation of Women Lawyers
IHA International Hotel Association
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors; Insurance Institute of America
IIRI International Industrial Relations Institute
IISPS International Institute of Social and Political Sciences
ILA International Law Association
ILAAB International Law Association, American Branch
ILC International Law Commission; irrevocable letter of credit
Ill. Illinois (Staat der USA)
Ill.L.Rev. Illinois Law Review
ILO International Labour Office; International Labour Organization
ILQ International Law Quarterly
ILR International Law Reports (Lauterpacht)
ILS Incorporated Law Society
IMCS International Movement of Catholic Students
IMF International Marketing Federation; International Monetary Fund
IMM Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
IMO International Maritime Organization; International Money Order
in b. in the goods of (in bonis)
in init. in the beginning (in initio)
in liq., in liqn in liquidation
in loc. in the place of (in loco)
in loc. cit. in the place cited (in loco citato)
in re in the matter of
in trans. in transit (in transitu)
in. inch(es)
in2 square inch
INA Immigration and Nationality Act; Indian National Airways; Irish News Agency (Dublin)
Inc. Incorporated
incl. including; inclusive
incorp. incorporated
Incoterms International Commercial Terms
Ind. Indiana (Staat der USA)
ind. independent; industrial
Inex International News Exchange
INF Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
inf. below (infra)
Infoterm International Information Centre for Terminology
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service
Ins., ins. insurance insurable interest
Ins.L.J. Insurance Law Journal
insce insurance
INSEAD European Institute of Business Administration (in Fontainebleau)
Inst. institute; institution
inst. of the current month (instant); instal(l)ment; institute
Inst. Act. Institute of Actuaries
Inst. Bks Institute of Bankers
Inst.J. Institutes of Justinian
insur. insurance
int. interest among other things (inter alia)
Int.and Comp. LQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Int.Encycl.Comp.L. International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
Int.Law Quarterly International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Int.Rev. Internal Revenue
Intelsat International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
internat. international
Interpol International Criminal Police Organization
Io. Iowa (Staat der USA)
IOA Institute of Actuaries; Institute of Arbitrators
IOB Institute of Bankers
IOC International Olympic Committee
IOCA International Organization for Civil Aviation
IOCU International Office of Consumers' Unions
IOE International Organization of Employers
IOGT International Order of Good Templars
IOJ International Organization of Journalists; Institute of Journalists
IOLM International Organization of Legal Metrology
IOP Institute of Patentees
IOS International Organization for Standardization; Investors' Overseas Services
IOU I owe you
IP Imperial preference; inland post
IPA Institute of Practitioners of Advertising; International Publishers' Association
IPC International Patent Classification; Iraq Petroleum Company
IPD interest, profits and dividends
IPI International Press Institute
IPR (British) Institute of Public Relations
IPR Internationales Privatrecht
IPT insurance premium tax
IPU Interparliamentary Union
IQ intelligence quotient
iqued that which was to be proved (id quod erat demonstrandum)
IR Inland Revenue; Internal Revenue; Irish Reports
Ir.L.T. Irish Law Times
Ir.L.T.Rep. Irish Law Times Reports
Ir.R. Irish Reports
IRA Industrial Relations Act; Irish Republican Army
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile
IRC Inland Revenue Commissioners; Internal Revenue Code; International Red Cross
IRCA Immigration Reform and Control Act
IRD Internal Revenue Department
IREM Institute of Real Estate Management
IRF International Road Federation
IRI Industrial Research Institute
IRM information research management
IRO Inland Revenue Office; Internal Revenue Office
IRP Index of Retail Prices
IRR internal rate of return
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IRU International Road Transport Union
Is. Island(s); Isle(s)
ISALPA Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents
ISBN international standard book number
ISC International Sugar Council
ISDA International Swap Dealers Association
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISI International Statistical Institute
ISM Imperial Service Medal
ISMA Incorporated Sales Managers' Association
ISO Imperial Service Order; International Standardization Organization
Isro International Securities Regulatory Organisation
ISS International Student Service
IT Information Technology; Income tax; Inner Temple; investment trust
ITA International Trade Administration; Independent Television Authority; International Tourist Association
ITC International Trade Commission; International Trade Center; International Tin Council
ITN Independent Television News
ITT International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITV Independent Television
ITWF International Transport Workers' Federation
IUA International Union of Advertising
IUAI International Union of Aviation Insurers
IULA International Union of Local Authorities
IULIA International Union of Life Insurance Agents
IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance
IUOTO International Union of Official Travel Organizations
IUPN International Union for the Protection of Nature
IWA Institute of World Affairs; International Wheat Agreement
IWF Internationaler Währungsfonds
IWT inland water transport
IWTO International Wool Textile Organization
J Journal; Judge; Justice
J & WO,j. & w.o. jettison and washing overboard
J.Adv.Gen. Judge Advocate General
J.Prob. Judge of Probate
J.Pub.L. Journal of Public Law
J/A, j./a. joint account
JA Judge Advocate; Judicature Act; Justice of Appeal
JAG Judge Advocate General
JB Bachelor of Law (Jurum Baccalaureus)
JBL Journal of Business Law
JC jurisconsult (jurisconsultus); Justice Clerk; Juvenile Court
JCB Bachelor of Canon Law (Juris Canonici Baccalaureus); Bachelor of Civil Law (Juris Civilis Baccalaureus)
JCD Doctor of Civil Law (Juris Civilis Doctor)
JCLIL Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law
JCPC Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
JD Am Doctor of Law (juris doctor) (früher: LLD)
JE joint enterprise
JEIA Joint Export Import Agency
JET Joint European Torus
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
JIGE Joint Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Maritime Liens and Mortgages and Related Subjects
Jnr Junior
JP Justice of the Peace
JQB Justice of the Queen's Bench
Jr, jr Junior
JRC Joint Research Centre
JSLB Joint Stock Land Banks
JUD Doctor of both Laws (i.e. the Canon and the Civil Law) (Juris utriusque Doctor)
Jud.Com.P.C. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Jun®. Junior
jun. junior
Jur.D. Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor)
jurisp. jurisprudence
Jus.P. Justice of the Peace
juv. juvenile

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